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I'd like to compliment the brave Aussie who had the cajones to swallow his pride and admit that the war on the unvaxxed was - and still is - wrong. I'd like to thank Citizen Wells for putting this piece together and getting the word out there. We, the pureblood vanguards of the genetic destiny of the human race, do not require any further validation for our cause than what we already know. But if more people in the vaccinated population could swallow the bitter pill of their error, we could all unite in one body and take the war to the monsters that set us against each other.

Citing the op-ed published by Australian Peter Chris, he writes:

"We believed we had logic, love, and truth on our side so it was easy to wish death upon the unvaccinated. Those of us who ridiculed and mocked the non-compliant did it because we were embarrassed by their courage and principles and didn’t think the unvaccinated would make it through unbroken and we turned the holdouts into punching bags."

An immense price has been paid by the people on both sides of this issue and, as long as enmity exists between us, there can be no winner in this fight. Like all wars throughout history, the blood-stained battlefield is littered with the corpses of the common people who have nothing to gain by its victory. We are not the ones who wear a golden crown (Latin, corona) commanding armies from the safety of a tall tower, with a garrison of personal guards, in a stone castle surrounded by a moat and locked up securely behind a fortified drawbridge. No. The crown under whose banner this war has been waged shall not be won for any of us in this fight, the only spoil of war the vaxxed stand to gain is more tyranny, death, and oppression in the name of their King Corona.

So, to whoever is still standing on the frontlines, gashed, bashed, and soaked in the blood of their compatriots and attackers, take heart for the victory of humankind is not without hope. For every vaxxed vassal of the corona that repents, as did this Aussie, and turns their attention towards our common enemy, not only adds one more to our rank but also subtracts one from the crown which has pitted us one against another. The mutagenic genocidal Eugenic subversion of our generations, our progeny, and the genetic destiny of our race (the human race) cannot benefit us in any way, but only bring us all into collective ruin.

Cui bono? Who among us will rule the other when the rivers of Earth run red with the blood of humanity slain? Look up, ye fools! Set your eyes upon the banner of the blue-blood master race who celebrates your slaughter! See how they pass from one generation to the next, the corona of their genetic birth-right, their divine right of kings, to rule over all of humankind - even from Genesis to Revelation.

And, this is the Revelation: the "master race" isn't about the color of your skin. It is about the color of your blood.

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